Thin Clients for VDI and DaaS
Discover zTC’s, AmZetta’s Thin Client solutions that offer efficient and versatile endpoint computing solutions. AmZetta’s zTC’s feature Windows or Linux-based options that are powerful enough to run as a stand-alone MiniPC or seamlessly deployed into Virtual Desktop Infrastructures (VDI) and Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) environments, ensuring a flexible and reliable endpoint computing ecosystem. zTC’s are managed though zMAN, AmZetta’s cloud or on-prem based enterprise management solution. zMAN provides IT administrators with centralized control of all zTC’s in the environment, making it easy to configure, manage, and secure deployments. Optimized for VoIP, video conferencing, and collaboration tools, zTC’s deliver crystal-clear audio, high-definition video, and smooth communication for both remote and in-office teams. Experience the perfect blend of power, compatibility, and security with our AmZetta’s zTCs, designed to elevate your organization’s productivity and support your evolving needs.