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Azure Cloud Installation

Preinstall Configuration

Install azure client in ubuntu machine using any one of the command.

curl -sL | sudo bash

sudo apt install azure-cli

Uploading vhd image using script

The below script will convert qcow2 image to vhd image and upload to provided azure storage account of provided azure container.

bash -x <cpe_qcow2_image> <cpe_vhd_name_to_be_uploaded> <modeloverrid> hardwareModel=<hardware_model_name>

Provide Azure storage account name, Azure storage container name and storage account key

Storage account name can be taken from Storage accounts-> <account name> [ In the below pic: vcpe]

Storage container can be taken from Storage accounts-> -> <account name> ->Blob containers

-> [ In the below pic: vcpevhd ]

Access key can be taken from Storage Accounts -> ->Access keys -> key 1


bash -x cpe-base-1.2-01.1025-5393.qcow2

bash -x cpe-base-1.2-01.1025-5393.qcow2 cpe-base-1.2-01.1025-5393.vhd

bash -x cpe-base-1.2-01.1025-5393.qcow2 cpe-base-1.2-01.1025-5393.vhd 53455366

bash -x cpe-base-1.2-01.1025-5393.qcow2 cpe-base-1.2-01.1025-5393.vhd 53455366 hardwareModel=azure

Creating azure vcpe using script:##

The below script will create managed disk and create vcpe using managed disk.

bash -x <cpe_vhd_name_to_be_uploaded>

Provide Azure storage account name, storage container name, storage account key, resource group, location

Resource group can be taken from Resource groups -> <resource goup name> [In the below pic: zWAN ]


bash -x cpe-base-1.2-01.1025-5393.vhd

For each azure vCPE VM instance, a new vhd should be created using step 1 and a new managed disk should be created to have a uniqe product id.

Manual steps to create azure vcpe

  1. Upload the vcpe vhd image to Storage Accounts->Choose storage account name->Storage browser->Blob containers->Choose container name->Upload vhd image.
  1. Create managed disk using Disks->Create Disk and enter the details as shown below.
  1. Create vcpe using Disks-> select the disk->Create VM
  1. Create VM as shown below image
  1. Add required inbound and outbound ports by selecting the virtual machine->Network Settings-> Create port rule
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