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Device Information & Options

To access the information screen

Click the Information icon (Info) in the home screen to access Information screen or using the Information icon in the side menu.

Home Screen

Information screen includes the following details

  1. General Info
  2. Operating System
  3. Management Server
  4. System Statistics
  5. Event Log
  6. End-user License Agreement
  7. Network Statistics
  8. Ethernet Info
  9. Wi-Fi Info

                                Information Screen


1.1    General Info

General Info page will have the thin client inventory details such as host name, MAC address, platform, model, Boot option, BIOS Vendor, BIOS Version, BIOS build date, CPU Speed, Memory Size and SSD Size, Citrix receiver version, Microsoft RDP version, VMware Horizon Client Version.


 About General Info

1.2    Operating system

It will provide the information of version, vendor, Operating System name, Build date.

About Operating System

1.3    Management Server

It will provide the information software name, vendor name, software version, Server Hostname, Server IP, Management type, Discovery Type.

Management Server

1.4    System Statistics

It will provide the information of CPU utilization such as used memory, free memory, and total memory.

System Information Screen

1.5    Event Log

Event log support is available for remote session user login and logoff. The user can able to see all or maximum of 100 records per page. Complete view list also available by choosing from the show dropdown list. If user wants to see more records then navigation to other pages are possible via next/previous button. The user can also search or sort and view the event log as required. USB plug & play and network related logs are also logged. Clear Event Log option is also available to clear the event log.

Event Log


1.6    End user License Agreements

It will have the end user agreement information such as Node.js, NGNIX, Citrix Receiver, VMware Horizon Client, Wget, TigerVNC and AmZetta Client Agent.


    End user License Agreements            


1.7    Network Statistics

It will provide the information of LAN and Wi-Fi status such as LAN transmit bytes, LAN receive bytes, Wi-Fi transmit bytes and Wi-Fi receive bytes.

Network Statistics


1.8    Ethernet Info

It will have the network information such as host name, MAC Address, IP details (includes IPv4), Subnet mask, gateway, broadcast, domain name, duplex mode, speed, primary DNS and secondary DNS for Ethernet.

Ethernet Information Screen

1.9    Wi-Fi Info

It will provide the Wi-Fi information such as MAC Address, IPv4 Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Broadcast, Domain name, primary DNS, secondary DNS, SSID, Wireless Speed and Signal speed.

Wi-Fi Information Screen

1.  Power Options

To access the power options

Click the Power Icon in the home screen to access power options or using the Power Icon  on the side menu.

Home Screen

Power operation includes options for Lock, Logout, Sleep, Restart & Shut down of the thin client device.

Power Operation Screen


  • Click Lock to lock the device.
  • Click Logout to logout from the user login.
  • Click Sleep button to move the device to sleep mode.
  • Press Power button on the device to wake up the device.
  • Click Restart button to restart the device.
  • Click Shutdown button to power off the device.


2.   Utilities

To access the utilities option

Click the  icon from the home screen.

Home Screen

Utilities screen has provision to trouble shoot the host/network accessibility. This includes the following tools under diagnostics tools.


Utilities Screen      


1.10 Ping

Ping is used for troubleshooting the accessibility of devices. This has provision for providing host name and number of times to be pinged. It also has a button to start and stop ping.

Diagnostic Tools – Ping

1.11 Trace route

Helps to discover the network route from the local system to the host. This also has provision to input the host name. It also has a button for starting and stopping the trace route operation.

                                            Diagnostic Tools – Trace route


1.12  Download Log

  1. Click Download Log to download the log.

Utilities – Download Log

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