Unsecure Browsers Can Wreak Havoc. Secure Browsers Can Save Your Business.
In their 2020 report The State of Cloud Security 2020, threat prevention experts at Sophos noted that in the year before the pandemic, approximately 70% of companies suffered a public cloud data breach. Ouch. Have you heard the story about the largest data breach of the 21st century? It happened in October of 2013 to Adobe. Not a company to take security lightly. In that single instance, hackers stole the personal data from more than 38 million Adobe users.
The reoccurring theme here is that without something akin to a Digital Workspace solution, you’re essentially in the dark. You’re wide open. We’re not saying that hackers used Adobe’s preferred corporate browser to gain access to their customer data, but browsers are a point of entry for the unscrupulous.
Your remote employees are likely using a variety of browsers in our new remote BYOD world. Once a hacker has compromised a single user’s browser, malware can spread faster than COVID-19.

Hackers are Practicing. The Story of CanSecWest 2015.
Every year at the CanSecWest Security Conference, event organizers hold a contest for hackers called Pwn2Own. In each contest, hackers are given a specific challenge to overcome. Cash prizes are involved. In 2015, the contest was all about browsers. Hackers were challenged to hack just about every commercially available browser on the market. More than $500,000 in cash prizes were up for grabs. The results: every single browser was successfully hacked, and ALL the cash prizes were awarded.
Digital Workspace solutions like AmZetta zBrows can be a great line of defense against those looking to use your remote employees’ browsers against them. It’s an agentless, fully turnkey solution, able to support everything from Chrome to IE. HTML only, your remote users don’t have to install anything on any of their devices. More control = improved security.
Visit our zBrows product page to learn more. If you’re curious about the story behind the 2015 Pwn2Own event, check out this highly entertaining article from ZDnet.com.

What can you do with a Digital Workspace Solution?
Organizations across industries such as Educational, Financial, Government, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail and more rely on Digital Workspace Solutions. Learn more about how your company can rely on a Digital Workspace Solution by clicking on the solution type below.