Remote Work is Driving VDI Adoption
Even before the pandemic of 2020, VDI technology had been growing steadily in adoption. The quarantine sent those adoption rates soaring as IT professionals across industry realized the infrastructure solutions they were using to support remote workers left them vulnerable to serious security breaches.
Those solutions (we’re talking about VPN here) also didn’t deliver an optimal user experience. Nor did they give front-line managers any real insight into what their direct reports were doing after all the offices closed. The pandemic has ebbed – that’s great news. But remote work is here to stay.
Consider a statistic: according to analysts at the Enterprise Solutions Group, 74% of workers surveyed in 2020 had been sent home to work. A year later, those employees are still at home. All indicators suggest that most of them aren’t going back to the office.
This reality changes the equation for virtual desktops and applications. VDI has moved into the same category as servers and storage: mission-critical IT infrastructure technology.
Virtualization from the Employee Perspective
If you follow IT industry news and read what the analysts are saying, the corporate impetus behind the growth of VDI post-pandemic has largely been one of security. Ransomware, phishing attacks, viruses – they can DESTROY businesses and reputations.
But is that what’s top of mind for your remote workers? Remote employees want to do the right thing in terms of security, but unlike IT leaders, professionals in other functional areas aren’t thinking about a potential security gap when accessing the corporate email server through a public connection at the local coffee shop.
Let’s explore what employees care about when it comes to virtualized desktops & apps. Three issues stand out:

Improved Employee and Content Collaboration
VDI can provide the collaboration capabilities that “traditional” solutions like VPN can’t. Going back to work done by ESG, they identified improved collaboration as the top reason for purchasing VDI. That may seem surprising. Security was a very close second, but the message is clear: remote employees need connection with their peers; even if it’s not in person.
A Better Remote Experience
Think of how many calls your IT help desk has received from frantic remote employees that can’t get logged onto VPN, have forgotten their password (and can’t recover it), or can’t find the email that was sent when they started that outlined the 10 steps needed to sign into the corporate network through VPN. It’s a bad user experience for everyone involved. As the economy improves, these relatively small issues can add up and affect employee retention rates. With VDI, you take ONE step to get you safely to the systems and apps you need to do your job.
Improved Productivity
When employees aren’t wasting their time with connection issues, they’re ostensibly doing their jobs. The same applies to the time saved hunting around for some obscure document that lives in a corporate folder they rarely use. In a VDI context, managers work with employees to clearly define what both need to be effective. Finally, employees are smart. They know that VPN doesn’t deliver any real analytics that would give their direct manager a sense of how they are spending their days (working remotely). VDI does deliver more robust analytics. When employees know that, it tends to keep everyone honest.
Check out our new Brief on “Improving the Remote Employee Experience with VDI” for additional details.
Virtualization Considerations for the IT Professional
Unlike employees in other functions, IT professionals are ALWAYS thinking about security. The threats are that serious. And they are legion. Too many. When everyone was sent home to work during the quarantine, the threats posed by overreliance on VPN quickly came to the surface.
VPN isn’t bad technology. We’ve all used it successfully for years. But the game has changed. We aren’t going back to a pre-pandemic world. Companies that can’t support remote work won’t compete for the best talent. Similarly, organizations that think they can continue to rely on patchwork solutions to defend themselves against the growing number of digital threats are treading on very thin ice.
The big question for IT leaders: is my VPN creating a vulnerability for my company? Download the Brief and you’ll get our perspective and opinion. That opinion, by the way, is based on 35 years of engineering experience and an understanding of the constraints that IT pros of smaller, mid-market companies face in comparison to their peers at massive global enterprises.
Virtualization for the Mid-Market Buyer.
AmZetta’s parent company, American Megatrends, Inc. (AMI) has been providing cutting edge IT hardware and software solutions for more than 35 years. Put it this way: if you’ve used a PC in the last 25 years, there is a very good chance you’ve used our tech and not even known it.
We’re proud of our work and we believe our VDI solution – zPortal – is just as good as anything else on the market today. While our technology is perfectly legitimate for large global enterprise customers, our engineering team built our solution (and the other components of our Digital Workspace suite) with the mid-market buyer in mind. To be clear, when we refer to the mid-market, we’re talking about companies and organizations that have less than 1,000 employees.
What we hear in our conversations with mid-market IT leaders are concerns that VDI technology is too expensive and too complex to implement without a massive investment in external resources, time, etc. There are also real concerns about management complexity post-implementation. These issues, by the way, remain consistent whether we’re talking about on-premise, hybrid, or cloud deployment.
While these concerns are very legitimate, vendors like AmZetta are doing great work to “democratize” desktop & application virtualization. VDI doesn’t have to break the bank. Nor should its implementation and management burn out your already overburdened staff. We’re prepared to put our money where our mouth is. Try our zPortal product free for 30 days and we’ll give you $50 in cash when the trial period is over.
Read the Promotional Document for the details!
AmZetta’s parent company, American Megatrends, Inc. (AMI) has been providing cutting edge IT hardware and software solutions for more than 35 years. Put it this way: if you’ve used a PC in the last 25 years, there is a very good chance you’ve used our tech and not even known it.
We’re proud of our work and we believe our VDI solution – zPortal – is just as good as anything else on the market today. While our technology is perfectly legitimate for large global enterprise customers, our engineering team built our solution (and the other components of our Digital Workspace suite) with the mid-market buyer in mind. To be clear, when we refer to the mid-market, we’re talking about companies and organizations that have less than 1,000 employees.
What we hear in our conversations with mid-market IT leaders are concerns that VDI technology is too expensive and too complex to implement without a massive investment in external resources, time, etc. There are also real concerns about management complexity post-implementation. These issues, by the way, remain consistent whether we’re talking about on-premise, hybrid, or cloud deployment.
While these concerns are very legitimate, vendors like AmZetta are doing great work to “democratize” desktop & application virtualization. VDI doesn’t have to break the bank. Nor should its implementation and management burn out your already overburdened staff. We’re prepared to put our money where our mouth is. Try our zPortal product free for 30 days and we’ll give you $50 in cash when the trial period is over.
Read the Promotional Document for the details!
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