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Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an internet protocol standard for retrieving real-time operational statistics from servers and infrastructure components. Commonly SNMP-enabled devices include routers, switches, workstations, and firewalls.

Required Packages for Installation

Install the necessary SNMP packages with these commands:

$sudo apt-get install -y snmpd snmp
$sudo apt-get install -y snmp-mibs-downloader
$sudo apt-get install -y snmptrapd

MIB Browser Installation Steps

  1. Download from iReasoning.
  2. Transfer the zip file to your Linux server.
  3. Extract and run the MIB browser:
    $sudo su
    $cd Downloads/ireasoning/mibbrowser/

SNMP MIB File Object Names and OIDs

myCompanyMIB .
interfaceAlertNotifications .
systeminfo .
hostname .
ip .
interfaceStatus .

SNMP Agent Configuration

To configure SNMP:

  1. Access the Secure Shell, SNMP option, WebUI, or ProviderUI.
  2. Enter the following details:
    • Community name (e.g., zwantest; default is public)
    • Destination IP (SNMP server IP)
    • Agent IP (WAN/LAN IP of CPE)
    • Password (CPE password for SNMP Server)

Enabling SNMP

Enable SNMP service via the interface:

Disabling SNMP

Disable SNMP using the same interface:

SNMP Service Management

Start, stop, or check the status of SNMP with:

$systemctl start snmpd
$systemctl disable snmpd
$systemctl status snmpd

Editing SNMP Configuration

To update SNMP configurations, use the edit option:

Viewing SNMP Status and SNMPv3 Details

  • Displays current SNMP service status and SNMPv3 configuration:

SNMPv3 Configuration

For SNMPv3:

  1. Enable SNMP service.
  2. Enter SNMPv3 details:
    • Username
    • Password
    • Authentication Protocol (MD5/SHA)
    • Authentication Privacy (AuthPriv/AuthNoPriv)
    • Encryption Protocol (AES/DES)
    • Encryption Key

SNMPv3 Deletion

To delete SNMPv3 user details, enter the username and select delete:

SNMP Server Setup


  1. Install Ubuntu 18.04.
  2. Ensure internet connectivity.

MIB Browser and Java Installation

$apt -y install snmp-mibs-downloader
$sudo apt install default-jre

SNMP Server Configuration

  1. Launch the MIB browser:
    $cd Downloads/ireasoning/mibbrowser
  2. Load custom MIB files:
    • Download from GitLab.
    • Open in MIB browser via File > Load MIBs.
  3. Set operation (GET/GETBULK) and agent address in the browser.

Observing SNMP Traps

  1. In the MIB browser, go to Tools > Trap Receiver.
  2. When a trap is generated, it will appear in the Trap Receiver window with its OID and details.


  • One server can manage multiple agents, but each agent can support only one server.
  • Ensure the SNMP server is reachable from the agent.
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