Support the Government Workforce with Work from Anywhere, Using any Device
Digital Workspaces help deliver apps and virtual desktops to government resources using a highly secure connection while maintaining a positive user experience and reducing traditional IT costs. All types of Governments face similar issues when it comes to providing the most efficient tools to their workers. Regardless of the department, there are always questions on when migration to new emerging technology should be made and the budget for such a migration. Due to the intrinsic nature of deployment and costs, a quick assumption might be to avoid migratory action until it is absolutely necessary; however, this assumption misses out on one of the most important points of the technology, Maintenance.
Although many features of technology remain the same, security, usability, and accessibility are all advancing to higher standards. Stagnation therefore, will result in limited productivity, susceptibility to cyber threats, and inefficient user experiences. The best approach to avoid these issues is to remain proactive. All forms of governments can agree with the notion that security, usability, and accessibility aid in building a strong foundation to maintain these principles. And although they may take different forms depending on the government or department they are reflected in, many of their solutions can be tackled with a single centralized tool, enter Digital Workspace.
Securely deliver apps and data to government employees while improving productivity, reducing costs and enhancing cybersecurity with AmZetta Digital Workspace Solutions.

1. Minimal Cost and Maximum Productivity
The AmZetta Digital Workspace (DWS) allows administrations to configure personal and pooled desktop and application provisioning to maximize resource allocation. Coupled with licensing models to best suit your work environment, AmZetta DWS boasts the lowest price per user or device. Additionally, allowing for secure remote access to management applications and government casefiles increases the effectiveness of employees, allowing for judiciary and law enforcement to expedite their efforts. With AmZetta DWS remote access, users can trust that their most confidential data is kept safe though AmZetta’s Multi-Factor Authentication (zMFA) platform, allowing for a more advanced authorization before establishing a connection.

2. Mobilize Your Government Workforce
Boost productivity for caseworkers and contractors alike by improving network performance and connectivity regardless of their device or location. AmZetta Digital Workspaces allows users to reliably access their assigned cases through a secure app (zClient) or browser (zBrows). Connect via any Android or iOS mobile device to access desktops and apps with ease and allow users to be unhindered and available to continue their efforts with any case or form they need.

3. Uncompromising Security for the most Confidential Data
Digital Workspaces allows government entities stalwart security to vanguard against malicious cyber threats. By keeping associated data contained on a centralized network, attacks can easily be negated through several configurable checks and balances which can be monitored through a ‘single pane of glass’ interface. Configure policy-based users, associated devices, black/whitelisting, and token authorization for added security through the zMFA multifactor authentication settings. Empower government IT departments with the ability to control end-user activity, data sharing, and log user history. Enable the right level of access control to keep up to date on all governance compliance standards.

4. Keep data safe for Government Agencies
Keep information of your citizens safe with multiple security solutions. Ensure rapid disaster recovery for better peace of mind through configurable redundancy of service. AmZetta DWS allows for more convenient operations to assist government agencies to process more agile activity for consumers, taxpayers, and other self-service applications from most device types.

5. Increase safety and security for federal, state or local law enforcement
Protect responders and those they serve with better information sharing and faster network performance. And enhance visibility for dispatchers and other staff. AmZetta DWS solution for federal, state or local government agencies help increase situational awareness for agents in the field and ensure connectivity. Plus, we deliver the security you need to keep sensitive data safe, no matter where it goes.

6. Connect courts, corrections, and public safety officials
AmZetta Digital Workspaces solution for the government connects courts, correction facilities, and public safety officials with reliable mobility solutions. Expedite the judicial process with simplified access to case files and management applications. Easily provide resources and classes to inmates and parolees. And do it all with security technologies that enable justice system employees to work from anywhere without risk.

7. Deliver secure remote access to State Department
Deliver the secure remote access that State Department employees need to do their jobs, wherever, whenever, on any device. AmZetta’s Digital Workspace solution for the government helps ensure optimized performance and comprehensive protection, no matter where they go. Plus, safeguard against disaster with backup and recovery while you reduce IT overhead through automation.

8. Centralize IT for transportation
Centralize and virtualize IT so that workers can remotely access distributed assets. Provision applications and updates instantly across all your devices. Optimize your network and enable self-service access to information that riders and staff require. AmZetta DWS solutions for government agencies help you better navigate with shrinking budgets and increasing demand.

9. Real-time visibility for Department of Defense
Improve mission responsiveness, decrease costs, enhance information exchange, and more with our solutions for networking, cloud connectivity, and file sharing. Empower field agents and headquarters workers with real-time visibility and collaboration. AmZetta DWS solutions for the federal government help you combat cyber threats.

10. Ensure critical data flow for first responders
Ensure the flow of critical data to enable the best possible responses, from dispatchers in the call center to emergency personnel in the field. Anytime, anywhere access to apps and information using AmZetta DWS solutions for state and local government greatly improves situational awareness and speeds response times while protecting PII data. Mobile access to forms also accelerates incident reporting and citation filing.

11. Easily provide access to correctional services
Simplify how you provide access to legal resources, educational classes, and job search tools for inmates and parolees. AmZetta’s Digital Workspace solution for state and local government has a centralized approach that enables the use of low cost thin clients as endpoint devices that are easy to lock down and replace if broken. Additional security features help prevent attempts to breakout of sessions, ensuring users conduct only the tasks they are authorized.

12. Improve transportation safety in your region
Enhance your ability to provide services and improve safety in your region. You can increase citizen satisfaction through more efficient DMV operations and self-service kiosks. Or shorten response time to incidents. AmZetta Digital Workspace for state and local government also help you provide real-time information to travelers and staff, even when demand spikes.

13. Reduce costs and risk of public library access
Reduce the costs and risks of offering public access to computers, applications, and the machines. With AmZetta Digital Workspaces for state and local government, you can extend that same level of care to your mobile workers, giving them any time, anywhere access from any device.
Why AmZetta’s Digital Workspace for Government
- Reduce cost and increase employee productivity
- Enable a mobile government workforce
- Securely deliver mission-critical apps and data
- Manage devices and apps
- Secure government data on premise or in the cloud
- Effortless employee experiences From Onboarding to Off boarding
- Detailed auditing & logging
What can you do with a Digital Workspace Solution?
Organizations across industries such as Educational, Financial, Government, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail and more rely on Digital Workspace Solutions. Learn more about how your company can rely on a Digital Workspace Solution by clicking on the solution type below.