
AmZetta’s zPortal Editions

Product Licensing Guide Overview

AmZetta Digital Workspaces is offered in five licensable options to meet the feature deliverables and budget of all companies and organizations. This Product Licensing Guide provides details on Product Licenses, User Licenses, Product Options, Product Features, Product Support & Maintenance Options and Third-Party licenses. For assistance with any of these items, please contact your assigned AmZetta Account Executive or call AmZetta Sales at 1-877-991-1809 or email at [email protected].


Product Licenses

Perpetual Licenses: Perpetual licenses are licenses owned forever by the licensee after the initial licensing purchase. Perpetual licenses require the purchase of a Software Maintenance and Support contract (Maintenance and Support Contracts are individual contracts and purchased separately from each other) for the first 12-months of purchase. After the first 12-months the customer may choose the Maintenance and Support level contracts as they see fit or to decline any Maintenance or Support at all.

Subscription Licenses: Subscription Licenses are licenses granted to the customer in 12-month increments. Following the first 12-months, the subscription licenses must be renewed, or the product will no longer function. Subscription licenses are prepackaged with a 12-month Maintenance contract within the subscription license fee. A Support contract is not included within the subscription license fee. The customer must select the support contract level and it will be added to the subscription license fee. A Support contract is mandatory for the 12-month term of the Subscription License.


User Licenses

Named Licenses: A named user license is for each individual user and provides access only for the named user. Ex. You have 500 users and 500 Named licenses, all 500 users can access the solution at any given time.

Concurrent Licenses: A concurrent license is a pool of licenses that can be shared by any user of the system provided there is an available license for access. Ex. You have 500 users and 250 Concurrent licenses, all 500 users may access the solution, but only 250 users may access the solution at a time. The 251 user who attempts to login will be prompted that the Concurrent license count has been exceeded.


Both Named and Concurrent licenses are available in increments of 5 licenses. Meaning, if the customer has 326 users and is opting for Named licenses, the customer will need to license 330 Named licenses.


Product Options

AmZetta offers five licensable options to meet the feature deliverables and budget of all companies and organizations. Please reference the Product Option Charts below to compare the five licensable options features. Upgrading from the Essentials options to the Advanced options is available in real time if desired.

zPortal Essentials (zPortal)
zPortal Platinum (WS Suite)
Pooled and Persistent Windows-based Hosted Virtual Desktops
Linux-based Hosted Virtual Desktops
Windows-based Shared Hosted Desktops
Hosted Application Virtualization on Microsoft RDS
Linux-based Shared Hosted Desktops*
Linux-based application virtualization*
Virtual Desktop Cloning & Provisioning
Endpoint Management Integration
BYOD Web Portal Client Software
Local Resource USB Redirection
Printer Redirection & PDF-based Printing
Server OS Locking (user policies to secure against downloads, applications and user changes)
Support for high availability of each role and failover
Automated Multi-node Load Balancing
Hosted Virtual Desktops USB Redirection
Included Proxy for Internet Access
Secure Remote Access to Untrusted Networks
Agentless Browser-based Access from any Device
Data Copy Protection on Endpoint Devices (data copy, clipboard control etc..)
Full VPN Capability w/ Application Publishing
Advanced USB Redirection for Windows-based Shared Hosted Desktops

zMFA – Two factor authentication using OTP through SMS/Email/Mobile App


Biometric Authentication support (biometric device supplied by the customer)
Privileged Identity Management functions for desktop and server logins
Delegated administration
Multi-organization support / multi-tenancy
Session Recording
Password Self Service Portal
Named User/Device client access licensing
Concurrent user licensing


AmZetta offers three levels of Support: Standard, Advanced and Enterprise. All levels have access to the AmZetta Support Portal for logging support tickets and communicating with AmZetta technical support representatives. The Support Portal is located at http://support.amzetta.com/Amzetta-Support-Portal/ public/en/customer/login. Customers can also access the AmZetta Knowledge Base at https://AmZetta.com/kb

(with zMFA)
Access hosted applications & virtual desktops published by zPortal
Application publication via RDP and other Terminal services
Publish Web (HTTP/HTTPS) based applications
Client-Server based application publication for remote users (without terminal server)
Publish SaaS based applications
Multi-factor authentication for zGateway

Two factor authentication tokens:


SAML based Single Sign-on web applications

Two factor authentication for Windows/Linux server &

desktop logins

Password self-service portal
Access modes: Web portal, desktop clients
Clientless HTML5 based access method
Named User/Device based client access licensing
Concurrent user licensing

Software Maintenance

Software Maintenance means updates to Product(s) that AmZetta makes periodically at AmZetta’s sole option. Updates include: (i) Releases (defined as revisions and updates made generally available for commercial release by AmZetta) (ii) Maintenance modifications; (iii) Software and/or Firmware Patches; or (iv) Bug Fixes. Updates will be made available to Customer either (i) Electronically at AmZetta.com or via the AmZetta Support Portal. *Service Level Agreement: https://AmZetta.com/service-level-agreement/

Optional components

SEP – Enhanced USB redirection (SEP) is recommended for shared desktop environments as it supports USB devices isolation anddoes not share the devices in all the running session.

zClient – Included with each user license or concurrent license is the AmZetta zClient. The zClient transforms any x86 device into a secure endpoint device capable of accessing both zGateway and zPortal for a secure connection to the corporate network. zClient supports Windows, Linux, iOS and Android.

zBrows – Included with each user license or concurrent license is the AmZetta zBrows. The zBrows transforms any browser into a secure HTML browser capable of accessing both zGateway and zPortal for a secure connection to the corporate network.


Third Party Licenses

The AmZetta Digital Workspaces (DWS) solution is a software-based solution that works in concert with a virtualization platform and requires customer provided infrastructure resources (i.e. CPU, RAM, Network and Storage) for an on-prem or cloud deployment. The AmZetta Solutions Engineering team will provide guidance on the infrastructure resource requirements for the customer’s specific environment. These third-party licenses are the sole responsibility of the customer and are not supplied or issued by AmZetta.


Server Licenses:

  • VMware ESXi Virtual Environment: If the customer is installing zPortal in an existing Virtualized ESXi Environment, the customer will need a Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or 2019, Datacenter Edition, License applied to the Server OS instance installed within the base Virtual zPortal is installed on top of the Server OS within the base Virtual Machine.
  • Microsoft Hyper-V Virtual Environment: If the customer is installing zPortal in an existing Virtualized Hyper-V Environment, then the customer will not need any additional Microsoft licenses as the base Server license is shared using the Microsoft Automatic Virtual Machine Activation (AVMA).
  • Nutanix AHV/Prism Central Virtual Environment: If the customer is installing zPortal in an existing Virtualized Nutanix Environment, then the customer will need a Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or 2019, Datacenter Edition, License applied to the Server OS instance installed within the base Virtual Machine. zPortal is installed on top of the Server OS within the base Virtual
  • Physical Server: If the customer is installing zPortal on a Physical Server, then the customer will need Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or 2019, Standard Edition, License applied to the Server OS instance installed on the Physical For production environments, it is recommended that two instances of zPortal are installed and clustered for redundancy to avoid single points of failure. For two instances of zPortal, the customer will need two Microsoft Server Licenses for both instances of the Server OSes installed on two Physical Servers.


Microsoft Windows OS Licenses:

  • The customer will need Microsoft Licenses for Windows 10 (single or multi-session) Operating System (OS). Windows 10 OS Licenses can be repurposed or might not be required if the customer already has endpoint devices with a licensed Microsoft 10 OS


Microsoft VDA Licenses:

  • For Windows and non-Windows devices that will access a Windows Operating System (OS) based virtual machine, VDI only, hosted within zPortal will be required to have a Microsoft VDA If the customer already has a corporate Windows OS license agreement and are part of the Microsoft SA (Software Assurance) or Windows Intune programs, then the VDA Licenses will automatically be included from Microsoft. This would allow the customers end users to access the Windows OS without having to license separate VDA Licenses.


Microsoft RDS Licenses:

For a VDI setup, Microsoft RDS licenses are not required for use with zPortal. zPortal utilizes a proprietary broker for connection between the endpoint device and zPortal. The zPortal License for each user covers the proprietary broker licensing requirements for a VDI connection that connects an end user to a Virtual Machine.

For a Shared Hosted Desktop setup, Microsoft RDS licenses are required for use with zPortal. The Microsoft RDS CAL license can be device or named user based. The Microsoft RDS CAL license is required for a Shared Hosted Desktop environment when multiple users (i.e. multi-session) are connection to a single Virtual Machine.


About AmZetta

AmZetta’s Digital Workspace solution enables users with fast and secure access to their data and apps from anywhere, anytime using any device while focusing on ease of management using extensive data visibility through reporting and analytics. AmZetta Digital Workspace solutions include Gateway for Secure Remote User Access with SSO & MFA, Virtual Desktops (VDI) & Apps, Endpoint Device Security & Management and Enhanced Employee Experience for Remote Work.


zPortal Essentials (zPortal)
zPortal Platinum (WS Suite)

Required Microsoft Licenses (supplied by the customer)

CAL A client access license (CAL) is a commercial software license that allow clients to use server software services. Most commercial desktop apps are licensed so that payment is required for each installation.
2016 or 2019 Windows Server OS License
(Per-Core pair)
Microsoft has switched to per-core licensing. Each copy of Windows Server will license 2 physical processor cores (cores, not threads). Every physical core (core, not thread) in a server/host must be licensed for Windows Server. (With 2012R2 and older every processor in a server/host had to be licensed. A single Windows Server license covered two processors. That means if a machine had 4 processors, I needed to purchase 2 copies of Windows Server for that server or host.)
RDS CAL / VDA RDS CAL is needed for each user and device that connects to a Remote Desktop Session (RDS) host. An RDS licensing server is needed to install, issue, and track RDS CALs. When a user or a device connects to an RD Session Host server, the RD Session Host server determines if an RDS CAL is needed. Dedicated need VDA
SCVMM VDI Suite CML Hyper-V Management with System Center Virtual Machine Manager SCVMM simplifies the administration, configuration, and management of Windows Server Hyper-V environments. It does this by bringing all the tools, management, and administration of Hyper-V hosts and clusters under a single management tool. Without SCVMM, Hyper-V administrators manage their Hyper-V environment by using a combination of tools with no one tool being the all-encompassing tool for administration.
zPortal Essentials (zPortal)
zPortal Platinum (WS Suite)