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Gateway Routers List


The List Page displays all Gateway Routers managed by the Director. It allows users to search for specific devices, apply filters to narrow down the list, and view real-time device statuses, including interface health and consolidated site status (e.g., degraded sites, sites down, etc.).

Additionally, users can perform key management actions on devices, such as:
Generating reports
Viewing logs
Establishing SSH connections for troubleshooting and advanced management

Key Features

The following details are available on the List Page:

The image below highlights the available features:

Device Status

The Device Status is displayed in the leftmost column using color-coded indicators:

  • 🟢 Green Dot → The Gateway Router is online

  • 🔴 Red Dot → The device is offline. Hovering over the red dot displays the last connected timestamp

Interface Status

The Interface Status column provides real-time network interface health indicators:

  • 🟢 Green Upward Arrow → Interface is active/online

  • 🔴 Red Downward Arrow → Interface is down/offline

  • Grey Downward Arrow → Interface is disabled

Management Tunnel

A double arrow icon is displayed alongside the interface status to indicate whether the Management Tunnel is active:

  • 🟢 Green Double ArrowsLogging is enabled

  • 🔴 Red Double ArrowsLogging is disabled, but the management tunnel is still active


The Location column displays the Gateway Router’s geographical location. If latitude and longitude were provided during onboarding, a location icon appears.

📍 Clicking the location icon opens the device’s location on a map.

Search Gateway Router

The search bar in the top-right corner allows users to quickly find Gateway Routers using:

  • Device Name

  • Device Description


Users can apply filters to narrow down results based on status, location, or other attributes.

Reboot Device

When hovering over a device row, a power icon appears on the right.

Clicking this icon will reboot the Gateway Router.

Edit Gateway Router

When hovering over a device row, a pen icon appears on the right.

🛠️ Clicking this icon enables editing of device details, including:

  • Gateway Router Name

  • Description

  • Meta Data (add/remove)

Delete Gateway Router

When hovering over a device row, a delete icon appears on the right.

🗑️ Clicking this icon removes the device from the Director.

⚠️ Once removed, the Gateway Router is no longer managed by the Director and must be re-onboarded to regain management capabilities.

SSH Access

When hovering over a device row, a monitor/desktop icon appears on the right.

🖥️ Clicking this icon opens an SSH session to the Gateway Router for direct CLI access.

Device Logs

When hovering over a device row, a list icon appears on the right.

📋 Clicking this icon opens a log viewer that displays event history for the device.

Generate Reports

When hovering over a device row, a bar graph icon appears on the right.

📊 Clicking this icon opens a pop-up allowing users to:

  • Select a time range

  • Generate performance and activity reports


Known Limitations

None – All listed features are fully functional.

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