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zWAN Templates


GroupFunctionTemplate NameTemplate Description

Group Function Template Name Template Description
DHCP configureLanDHCPServer Configure dhcp for lan
DDOS ddos-add_allowed_and_blocked_addresses This DDOS template adds both the blocked and allowed addresses for DDOS
  ddos-configure This DDOS template conifgures the DDOS
  ddos-remove_allowed_and_blocked_addresses This DDOS template removes addresses for the DDOS
ddos-spoof_add This DDOS template adds the DDOS spoof address
ddos-spoof_del This DDOS template deletes the DDOS spoof address


dns_custom_list-add This DNS template adds the custom addresses to the DNS list
dns_custom_list-remove This DNS template removes custom addresses from the DNS list


dns_filter-change This DNS template changes the DNS filter
dns_filter-clear This DNS template clears the DNS filter
dns_filter-configure This DNS template configures the DNS filter
dns_server-clear This DNS template clears the DNS on the server
dns_server-configure This DNS template configures the DNS server




filtering_categories This filter template adds a content category filter
filtering_FQDN This filter template updates the FQDN filter action for the specified FQDNs
filtering_mac-change This filter template can add or remove MAC addresses in the filter list
filtering_mac-mode This filter template sets the MAC filter mode to either allow or deny and enable the filter
filtering_mac-set This filter template removes all existing MACs, and it adds the listed MACs or the metadata MACs
FIREWALL firewall-create_chain This firewall template creates the new firewall chain


firewall-create_rule This firewall template creates and adds firewall rules to the chain


geo_fencing-add_mac This geo-fencing template adds a trusted MAC address that can then be used in geofencing
geo_fencing-configure This geo-fencing template configures the geo-fencing state and threshold after either the “set_gps” or “add_mac” commands have been run
geo_fencing-metadata This configures the geo-fencing with metadata values
geo_fencing-set-gps This geo-fencing sets the GPS location that is to be used for geofencing
IB internetBreakout This internet breakout template creates the NetBalancer internet breakout on specified interfaces


ips_configure-add_policy_threshold This IPS template configures the IPS/IDS policy threshold
ips_configure-bypass_rules This IPS template configures the IPS/IDS bypass rules
ips_configure-category_policy This IPS template configures the IPS/IDS category policy
ips_configure-global_policy_threshold This IPS template configures the IPS/IDS global threshold
ips_configure-ingress_egress This IPS template configures the IPS/IDS ingress and Egress
ips_configure-suppress This IPS template configures the IPS/IDS suppress
ips_configure This IPS template configures the IPS/IDS




ipset-add_addresses_to_set This IPSET template adds one or multiple address to an IPSET table
ipset-create_set This IPSET template creates the IPSET table
ipset-del_addresses_from_set This IPSET template deletes one or more addresses from an IPSET table
ipset-del_set This IPSET template deletes an IPSET table


misc_SNMP3-configure This SNMP template configures an SNMP3 community with the specified interfaces
misc_SNMP3-delete This SNMP template deletes an SNMPV3
misc_SNMP-configure This SNMP template configures an SNMP community with the specified interfaces


misc_SNMP-delete This SNMP template deletes an SNMP
NET-BALANCER net_balancer-configure This Net-Balancing template configures the net balancer options


net_balancer-configure_internet_breakout This Net-Balancing template configrures net balancer options for internet breakout


net_balancer-internet_breakout_or_SAAS_add_rule This Net-Balancing template adds an app aware net balancer– the AutoFlowControl Rule to either the internet breakout or the SaaS target
QoS qos-Class_create This QoS template creates a QoS class
qos-ClassRule This QoS creates a QoS classifier and assigns it to a QoS class
qos-ClassRuleInterface This QoS template is a compound action to create the Class, Classifier, and assign to an interface
qos-Interface_add_class This QoS template adds and existing QOS class to an interface
qos-InterfaceBandwidth This QoS template sets the QoS interface bandwidth
qos-InterfaceClassBandwidth This QoS template sets the QoS interface class bandwidth
ROUTING router_access
router_bgp-configure This routing template configures and enables the BGP
router_filter_list This routing template adds a route access filter
router_ospf-add_area This routing template adds an OSPF area
router_ospf-add_interface This routing template adds an interface to an existing area
router_ospf-add_range This routing template adds a range to an existing area
router_ospf-add_virtual_link This routing template adds a virtual link to an existing area
router_ospf-configure This routing template configures and enables the OSPF
router_prefix This routing template adds route prefix
routing-add_static_route_to_host This routing template add_statics static route to host
routing-add_static_route_to_network This routing template add_statics static route to network
routing-set_system_default_gateway This routing template set_systems default gateway
SYSTEM CONFIG system-interface_alias_metadata This system configuration template renames network interfaces based on metadata
system-rsyslog_edit_config This system configuration rsyslog_edits existing remote system log configuration
system-rsyslog_set_config This system configuration template sets rsyslog configuration
system-set_timezone_and_NTP This system configuration template can set_timezones timezone and NTP options
ipfix This IP fix template adds or enables the collector and assigns services to that collector
TUNNEL IPSec vpn_ipsec-branch_to_branch This branchs Branch-to-Branch (IPSec) template allows the IT Admin to establish an IPSec Tunnel between Network Devices.
IPSec vpn_ipsec-branch_to_dc This branchs Branch-to-DC (IPSec) template allows the IT Admin to establish an IPSec Tunnel between Network Devices.
IPSec vpn_ipsec-configure_dc_server This configures DC (IPSec) template allows the IT Admin to create an IPSec Tunnel


vpn_ipsec-internet_via_dc This connects to the DC provided networks and internet over IPSEC
SSL vpn_ssl-branch_to_branch The Branch-to-Branch (IPSec) template allows the IT Admin to establish an IPSec Tunnel between Network Devices.


vpn_ssl-branch_to_dc The Branch-to-Branch (SSL) template allows the IT Admin to establish an IPSec Tunnel between Network Devices.


vpn_ssl-configure_dc_server The DC (SSL) template allows the IT Admin to create an SSL DC Tunnel


vpn_ssl-internet_via_dc This (SSL) template allows the IT Admin to establish an SSL Tunnel between Network Devices with internet traffic via the DC.
vpn-add_net_balancer_rule This template creates a netbalancer rule for tunnel use
WiFi wifi-Access_Point_setup This template creates AP for LAN PC’s to connect to the Network Device
wifi-Station_setup This template creates a WiFi connection between the Network Device and WAN interface


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