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Flow Classification


Flow Classification in the zWAN Controller involves applying filters to network packets, enabling specific actions if the packet matches particular rules. This feature helps optimize network traffic, enforce QoS, and enhance security.


Flow Classification is utilized in the following modules within the zWAN Controller:

  1. Flow Optimizer; Chain name: NetBalancer
  2. Firewall; Chain names: Forward/Input/Output (or custom chains linked to these)
  3. Quality of Service (QoS); Chain name: QoS

Routing – Flow Optimization

In routing, filters apply to incoming packets. If matched, packets can be routed via specific interfaces (e.g., Ethernet, IPSec Tunnel) or to a defined gateway IP.

Bandwidth Control – QoS

In QoS, the output interface for a packet is pre-determined. Filters control bandwidth allocation for certain packet flows, with the target being the Class Manager in QoS.


Filters manage access by allowing or dropping packets based on defined rules. Custom chains can be linked to add more granular controls before final acceptance or rejection of packets.

Configuration Parameters


Flow Classification filters include:

  • Packet Header: Input/Output Interface, Source/Destination IP, Packet size, DSCP mark
  • IP Protocol: Protocol number, Source/Destination Port, TCP flags, ICMP type
  • Connection State: States such as new, established, invalid, and untracked
  • DPI: Protocols and applications using Deep Packet Inspection
  • L7 Signature Matching: Regular expressions for Layer 7 (application) matching
  • Time-based Rules: Day and time-based filtering
  • Connection Limit and Bandwidth Usage

Supported DPI Protocols

The zWAN DPI capabilities include recognizing a wide array of protocols, such as:

  • Streaming Services: YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Twitch, etc.
  • Messaging and Social Media: WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Slack, etc.
  • Business Applications: Microsoft365, GitHub, Dropbox, Google Services, etc.
  • Gaming and VoIP: CS, Steam, Skype, Teams, etc.

Supported L7 Application Signatures

zWAN supports many Layer 7 applications using regex matching, allowing precise control over P2P, gaming, file-sharing, business tools, and various network services. Some examples include:

  • Messaging Services: AIM, IRC, XMPP/Jabber
  • P2P Applications: BitTorrent, eDonkey, Direct Connect
  • File Types: PDF, PNG, JPEG, RAR, etc.
  • Games: Battlefield, Guild Wars, Counterstrike
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