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System Requirements

zGateway can be installed using ISO on physical or virtual hosts. The configuration requirements are:

Resource Up to 10 Users Up to 100 Users
CPU 1 core 4 cores
Memory 4 GB RAM 8 GB RAM
HDD 50 GB 100 GB
Network 100 MBps 1 Gbps

For standalone deployment only one host is required. For cluster deployment, two hosts are required.
Physical Host:
The host should be a 64bit processor, capable to run CentOS 7.2 based operating system. Older hardware machine may have compatibility issues with respect to drivers.
Hardware should have a USB port or a DVD drive to boot from the ISO. Note: follow instructions here how to create a bootable USB with zGateway ISO

On-premise Virtual Machine:
zGateway is tested on VMWare ESX and Microsoft Hyper-V platform.
Deploy resources similar to physical host for the virtual machine to install zGateway ISO.
Choose the OS as RHEL 7.0 64 bit if CentOS 7.0 or CentOS 7.2 option is not available. Attach a CD ROM to the VM and select the zGateway ISO.

Follow these steps for VMWare ESX:
1. Create a virtual machine and select OS type as RHEL 7
2. Attached a CD ROM to the virtual machine and mount the zGateway ISO
3. At the end, leave the option unchecked to install the OS on finishing the wizard.
4. Start the virtual machine.

Follow these steps for Microsoft Hyper-v:
1. Create a virtual machine and select OS type as RHEL 7
2. Attached a CD ROM to the virtual machine and mount the zGateway ISO
3. For Hyper-v 2008 R2, when selecting a NIC card, select legacy type network card.
4. Start the virtual machine.

Cloud Deployment:
If deploying zGateway in Amazon AWS cloud or Microsoft Azure cloud, please deploy the resources equivalent to mentioned above. Chose the respective machine type.
Use the zGateway virtual appliance image to deploy in these clouds.
If you are using any other cloud, you must install zGateway ISO using the method prescribed by the cloud provider.

Installing on Amazon AWS
Check Amazon AWS market place for the latest zGateway Ami available from AmZetta. Contact AmZetta support team for the latest AMI on AWS.
AmZetta AMI can run on any instance type including t2.micro (up to 10 users), however a t2.medium instance type is recommended as t2.micro has 2 vCPU.
AmZetta provides a ready to deploy AMI on Amazon AWS. zGateway OS is pre-installed in the AMI. Except for few systems related configurations like network setup, configuration of zGateway is no different than configuring zGateway on any hardware or virtual machine.
Please refer to the guide “Installing zGateway on Amazon AWS” for detailed instructions on AWS specific installation instructions.

Installing on Microsoft Azure
Check Microsoft Azure market place for the zGateway image. Contact AmZetta support team for the latest Azure image.
zGateway can run on any instance type including Standard_A1 (up to 10 users), however a Standard.A2 virtual machine type is recommended.
AmZetta provides a ready to deploy virtual machine image for Azure. zGateway OS is pre-installed in the virtual machine image. Except for few systems related configurations like network setup, configuration of zGateway is no different than configuring zGateway on any hardware or virtual machine.
Please refer to the guide “Installing zGateway on Microsoft Azure” for detailed instructions on Azure specific installation instructions.

zGateway can use existing Microsoft Active Directory, LDAP directory services, Novell e-Directory or RADIUS server for user authentication and authorization.

Following are the details required to configure user authentication:
1. Hostname or IP address of the directory server
2. Search path (domain root or an OU) under which all the target user account exists
3. A service account with credentials (non-interactive login user) with “Account Operator” rights, in FQDN format
4. Shared secret in case of RADIUS server
5. Required port opening from zGateway to the authentication server
a. Microsoft AD/LDAP: port 389 for user authentication, port 636 for user password change or secure authentication
b. UDP port 1812 when integrating a RADIUS server

With a single node deployment zGateway needs only 1 IP address. When deployed in DMZ, firewall must allow inbound traffic on port 443 to zGateway from WAN or LAN to DMZ and allow outbound connections on required application ports from zGateway to application servers, DMZ to LAN.
If zGateway is to be accessible over Internet, port 443 on firewall should be set in NAT for zGateway IP address.
When deploying a cluster, each zGateway node requires an IP address for the zGateway host. In addition to IP address for zGateway host, an additional IP address in same network is required as Virtual IP address for the cluster.
Users will use this virtual IP address to access the cluster. On firewall, inbound traffic on port 443 should be allowed to zGateway hosts. Outbound traffic from zGateway hosts should be allowed from DMZ to LAN for the required application port. On firewall, inbound port 443 should be set in NAT for the virtual IP address assigned to zGateway cluster.

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